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先月投稿「やはり冬眠状態?」の English Version をご紹介します。1月例会では新聞記事の紹介(第1パラグラフ)だけを話したのですが、その後の記述はメモ用に挿入したものです。(英文を先に作ったのですが・・和訳は下手だったり? Anyway, here goes the English version.)

Human Hibernation?

One of the 1995 Kwansei Gakuin graduates, Mr. M. Uchikoshi went missing in Mt. Rokko in October 2006 and was found marginally alive 24 days afterwards. Nights in the mountain later in October are very cold and a man couldn't survive long enough once his body temperature went below 25 degrees in Celcius (77 in Fahrenheit) which is the known fact amongst the physicians. Though Mr. Uchikoshi lost his memory what had happened as he fell unconscious after his accident, the physicians suspect he had been in a state of hibernation. When he was found, his body temperature was 22C (71F).

The small mammals like some kinds of squirrels which hibernate in wintertime live longer than those who don't, and the human hibernation has been a dream held by some people for many years. Even in the Tezuka's famous comics "Fire Bird," there was an SF story where the heroin who had an incurable disease lay in the hibernation capsule until the effective cure was found in the future.

Mr. Uchikoshi's experience could be dismissed as an isolated and exceptional case, but as we all know, this planet has seen the miraculous and unbelievable development and evolutions since nearly 4 billion years ago when the very primitive life forms first came into being. Hundreds of millions years ago, just a single species of seaweed came out of the ocean onto the land which then evolved into tens of thousands different species from various kinds of mosses to the tall trees. And so were the animals. Even the current human being, irrespective of the diversified colors and races, its ancestor is said to be traced back to just a single woman who lived some 150,000 years ago, called the "Mythocondrial Eve" or "Big Mama".

Such a dynamic and expansive evolution is supposedly due to the life forms' built-in self-preservation mechanisms against the radical changes of environment on this planet Earth. In the meantime the long-term climate patterns show every 100,000 years or thereabouts the ice-age and ice-free age alternating over the past 800,000 years illustrated in the residue of ice samples extracted from the deep-buried ice-beds in Greenland and Antarctica.

Bearing in mind the ever-lasting evolutions of this planet's life forms, one wonders if there wouldn't be a new human being who has learned to hibernate in the future ice-age. If it should be the case, isn't Mr. Uchikoshi a freak Hibernian of the future human species, maybe or maybe not, to appear? (In the SF film "The Water World", amongst other normal people, there was a new generation human who has grown the "gills" in his neck to breathe under water.)


例会ではメンバーがその都度話題を提供したり、トピックスを紹介しています。話の種が英字新聞やTime, Newsweek などですと紹介者は楽ですが日本語の記事を話題にすると、ちょっとホネだったりして・・・






一方、地球規模の気象変化は10万年単位で氷河期/間氷期がくり返し起こるとされています。将来の氷河期には冬眠する人類(Hibernian)もいるのでしょうか? とすると、打越さんは未来人のハシリかも??


「英会話と歌」サークルのJさんはクリスチャンではありませんがカトリックの三大巡礼地エルサレム、バチカン、サンチアゴ・デ・コンポステラを全部まわって来られたのをはじめ、多くの大聖堂もそれぞれ現地でご覧になってます。ヨーロッパ文化の「粋」がそこにあるからというのです。 本や絵画、彫刻の映像・活字からの知識でなく、ご自分の目で確かめた上ですからJさんの話には説得力があります。

情報化時代といわれてもう長いですが、今は図書館へ行って調べるまでもなくインターネットでたいていの情報はインスタントに入手できます。しかし、あっというまに要点だけのデータが手に入るというのはどうなんでしょう? インスタントなデータというのは多くの周辺情報が省略されていますから、全体像が分からない断片的な知識になり勝ちです。人が情報を正確に処理するためには、部分にとどまらず全体を体系的に吸収する必要があると思います。 断片的な知識は、ただ通り過ぎてしまうフローの知識。ストックとして身につくには煉瓦をひとつ、ひとつ積み重ねてゆくような時間がかかる作業です。

真の情報はやはり幅広く本や文献をこつこつと渉猟する、スローな読書から得られるものではないでしょうか? 『聖書の代表的なストーリーを知らずにヨーロッパを旅行し、西洋の絵画を見てもつまらないじゃないですか。』クリスチャンではないJさんの読書の一端です。


The folk wisdom is right. Either good or bad, things come in threes. And that's what happened on the colleagues of our Circle. Mr. X has returned from the point of almost no return, the pancreas cancer after going under the seven-and-a-half-hour operation, whilst several years ago Mr. Y came through the bladder cancer and Mr. Z, a cardiac bypass rigging. Whether operated or not, nearly every member of this Circle shares each other not only frightening but also delightful experiences through talking in English. Filled in the pleasant and mostly fanny episodes in traveling and/or living abroad mixed here and there, the meeting is always filled in laughters and warm atmosphere. Won't you come and join us for our regular sessions in the evening of the fourth Thursday of the month?


世話役:松山/安部 (昭34経)














