E-News & Songs 4月度レポート           Leader 佐藤 一雄 (Peter Satow)

議題:Putin, Xi and the risk of World War III








メンバー発言のあらまし:Summary of the Participants’ Remarks:


One month has passed since Russian armed forces led by Putin started the illegal invasion to Ukraine. This war with no visible exit came to deadlock in the east Donbass region and around the capital Kyiv because the Ukraine Republican army led by President Volodymyr Zelensky has showed an unexpected good fight. We are experiencing the unreasonableness, ghastliness and cruelty of this warfare through TV broadcasting and other social medias, while identifying fake news released by Russia.

この侵攻に先立ちプーチン大統領と習近平主席の会談が2月4日北京で行われた。どうもこの会談でプーチンは冬季五輪後のウクライナ侵攻を習に漏らし事前了解を求めたようである。しかも編者ソロス氏が推理するように習は軽はずみにもプーチンに暗黙の了解を与えたようだ。 連日の悲劇はソ連時代を思わせる独裁者プーチンと盟友中国の首領習近平が着火したといっても過言ではない。これが我々の議論の前提である。

Prior to the invasion, a meeting between President Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping -President of P.R. China was held in Beijing on Feb. 4. Putin, apparently at this meeting, seemed to have leaked Xi his armed invasion to Ukraine immediately after 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and asked for Xi’s prior consent. As the editor Soros infers, Xi, without giving it with deep thoughts, seems to have given Putin his carte blanche on the raids. It’s no exaggeration to say cruelty and tragedy in progress in Ukraine were ignited by Putin – reminiscent dictator of Soviet era- and Xi Jinping-Chinese Chief. This is the premise of our discussion.







Putin’s delusion that he believes, jumping over the Cold War era and backing to Ukraine in bygone years when it produced the emperor tsar and reached rise and expansion of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, both nations are siblings and unitary states tied with a strong bond, is acting on the current war. Putin, in fact, seems to have gotten caught up in obsession that military and economic pressure from European society centered Germany and France which is supported by United States on Russia is increasing with a sense of alienation. We feel there is an immeasurable geopolitical and tragic head between the Ukrainian leader and his people who have aimed to join NATO and E.U. and Putin’s nostalgic martialism.


Putin, in a paper published in 2021, asserts that Russia and Ukraine are one and destined to revive the former glory. He is trying to rectify modern spirituality of the contemporary Ukrainian and being violent ignoring humanity in the standing position that the center of Russian Orthodox Christianity is Kyiv and all Russian-speaking people and Russian Orthodox have ‘Russian soul’ and they are inseparable ethnos.

To this, not only Ukrainian people but also democratic nations around the world are bravely rebelling and united to prevent Putin’s mass slaughter. Japan, waking up from pacifism first time ever after the war, also began to reveal distrust to Putin and blame Russia head-on. This seems to have been perceived as a rare transformation of Japan. United States welcomed it and they held a large-scale exercise in the Sea of Japan last week with the participation of the US carrier strike group and escort ships of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.




ロシア帝国ニコライ1世1825-1855 プーチンの懐古


The more Putin assumes an overwhelming attitude, the more Western Bloc cools off; and that leads to continue support of fast-acting weapon supply to Ukraine and strengthening economic sanction on Russia. Although Putin pretends that, should the natural gas pipeline stops, inflation will accelerate in the EU and the region’s economic loss will conversely increase, it is however an evidence that Putin is worried with ongoing economic sanction and perseverance by Europe, United States and Japan. With 9th May-“Russian Victory in Europe Day ” coming up soon, we are paying attention to what strategic drama Putin will show Ukraine and to the world.


On the one hand, we empathize with the plausible reasoning of the editor Mr. G. Soros who suggests it is dubious whether Putin has responded enough to Xi Jinping’s speculation. That aside, the Russian government and its people should firstly try to eliminate brutal Putin who has calmly repeated violations of International Law and UN peace-keeping activities which have contributed to maintain our civilization and to resolve war and poverty, despite his country is being a permanent member of the Security Council.


UN security council – due to a right of veto involvement- hasn’t worked at all. It reversely proved UNSC’s inability to solve ongoing Ukrainian warfare for a familiar example. Hence, we must seek the establishment of new framework to enable UNSC to take battle of justice to cease fire with such a way as upgrading decisive power of the UN General Assembly to affect world peacemaking function under the firm agreement of the UN member nations.






As to the question of “Isn’t U.S. President Joe Biden too modest?”, some denied it saying he’s been tough stabbing a nail on Xi Jing Ping as if to say“ Don‘t disturb the economic sanctions on Russia or you, guys will be in trouble!” and he undertook strong command of the sanctions while denouncing Putin’s inhumane operations in Ukraine as 「Genocide」 and that he is a war-criminal who should be tried by the International Court of Justice. As regards U.S. Secretary Anthony Blinken’s remarks and appeal at the UN security council, some felt sympathy with his effort to attack Russia with theory based on reality head-on. Some worried China’s sudden raids to Taiwan across the straight but the dominant view was negative in this time of period.


President Zelensky’s remarks on request for support to his country given remotely at respective parliament of U.K., U.S.A., and Japan showed specifically what the military support he requires are. He also said he would never forget the understanding and cooperation of each country. It turned out that it’s not just a rhetorical recitation and shook our empathy and sympathy. Specific support from the G7 participating members and others has already begun actively accepting temporary refugees- said to be 6 million ‘civilized people’- who went through the war and fled from their lives taking children and elderly.



Speaking of India, it was pointed out that President Narendra Modi’s response to the Putin’s evil deeds has been obscure due to the nation’s policy for the matter has been irregular because of the traditional caste system and the reason that most weapons being applied are made in Russia.


Note: Pictures shown are all from public domain materials and the writer used them just as illustrations.



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