e-News & Songs 11月度レポート                                2022年11月18日

                                                                                    文責Leader佐藤 一雄


今月はジャパンタイムズ紙9月30日付け「Time for Japan and China to get their relationship right」“日中関係改善の時”をフルメンバー9名で音読し、話し合いました。そのハードトークを極力面白く対訳でレポートしてみたいと思います。

Hello, dear readers.

This month, we the nine full members shared news with “Time for Japan and China to get their relationship right” from The Japan Times articles dated Sept.30. I would like to add a little spice to this report of the hard talk.


On Sept.29,1972, Japan and China normalized their relationship. Reform and opening-up road undertaken by Ex-President Deng Xiaoping bloomed and present President Xi-Jinping, having established the dictatorship of the Communist Party, is expanding quality and quantity of the nation’s efforts to develop economy, science and technology, and armaments of leading edge. However, there’s no way to engage China’s communistic capitalism and the West’s democratic capitalism, Both sides are currently facing various problems including occurrence of military anomaly.


Based on these, what should be done to resolve problems between Japan and China and improve relations? We the 9 members tried to squeeze our wisdom as reported below.

China entered the age to deal with problems of declining birthrate and increasing aged population. It will become more and more, a serious obstacle for China to maintain the economic growth, political power and many social systems as opposed to how they have been achieving to recent years.


(・リーダーのツイート) That’s right ! India -land of chaos, reportedly, will overtake China’s 14.3Bil. population sooner or later. Their total population may account for about 34% of the 80 billion world population! They look like major owners of the world’s oxygen, groceries and natural resources, don’t they? OMG!


China does not regard Japan as a fully independent nation.

Japan does not have the military strength in comparison with China.

Japan has too many legitimate obstacles to use its military power.

Japan needs the help and assistance by the US in its military operations.

It is the US that China must talk to, even on the issues related to Japan.


(・リーダーのツイート) OK, let reality be reality. Cool Japan is an ideal country that renounced war for eternity.

In the face of these five (5) facts in reverse logic, it is worth for PM Kishida having frank discussion with President Xi Jinping euphemistically stating these five points with his sense of humor. If Xi giggles, it’ll be a point taken by Kishida before a fruitful discussion. Unless otherwise if Xi nods to these five facts and If everything is denied, that’s also a political harvest for him.

OK, 現実は現実だね。“格好いい日本”は永久に戦争を放棄した理想の国。これら五点を逆論理でとらえれば、岸田首相が独特のユーモアのセンスで婉曲的にこれらを習近平主席に聴いてみる価値はあると思う。もし習さんが思わず“くすくす笑う”ようであれば岸田さんの得点だ。実りある話し合いになるかも知れないね。でも全て否定されてもさ、それはそれで外交上の収穫じゃないかな?

Overinvestment to real estate in China is fatally recorded in deficit and enormous debt is accumulated already. This ghost may suddenly appear in near future and will cause large-scaled trouble in the economy that may invite financial catastrophe.

Even if Zero Corona policy is withdrawn, trust for the government is lowered and non-immune (免疫のない) people will be affected, China may also face a medical catastrophe by affected foreign tourists from the contaminated regions.


(・リーダーのツイート) Is that true that China economics begins to fray? Oh, dear, Is it something we should be happy about? 日本は中国経済風邪とアメリカ経済不況フルー両方の政策ワクチンを打っておく必要があるのかなあ?効き目は何年?Do you wander if we Japan need to vaccinate both vaccine for China Recession Flue and vaccine for American economic downturn simultaneously? 同時服用?How many years the effect last?

In the meantime, one of the members said “Recently I have learnt two things. The first is that big countries like US, China, Russia do not regard a country having no force to defend itself a sovereign one. Therefore, they can easily offend such a country. This way of thinking has been proved when we watched Russia invaded Ukraine and confirmed by the UN Security Council which didn’t adopt condemnation to Russia for that invasion.”


(・リーダーのツイート):It’s a to-the-point analysis, isn’t it ? I have no words to return.


I am no expert for diplomacy and China, so I don’t have specific idea to contribute anything to Japan in terms of diplomacy. But I am bit of convinced that it’s imperative to promote alliance, mutual understanding, spirit of concession both in public and private at as many occasions as possible. To say the least, nothing but accumulating state of art weapons at our hands will make no sense to me.

私は外交と中国の専門家ではありません。従って外交面で何か日本に貢献したいという具体的な考えはありません。 しかし同盟、相互理解、できるだけ多くの機会に公私の両方で譲歩の精神を促進することが不可欠であることはちょっと納得しています。



I think all participants would agree. It may also be the universal consensus of our people.

The following resume is written from a calm point of view.

5o years have passed since Japan and China normalized their ties. The relationship between two countries has changed in these five decades. Economic ties are still important for Japan. China is Japan’s biggest trading partner. But recent years there have been frictions between the two countries over the issues of the Senkakus and Taiwan. China has strengthened military power and threatened Japan and Taiwan. The war in Ukraine or a possible China invasion of Taiwan seem to indicate the risks of doing business in China.


My proposals are as follows. このメンバーの提案は下記の通りです。

With keeping present trade, Japan should seek new trading partners outside China. Japanese Companies should not launch new businesses in China. We must pay attention on economic security. We need to spread our supply chain across several countries in case of contingency.


日本企業は中国で新規事業を立ち上げるべきではありません。 私たちは経済の安全保障に注意を払わなければなりません。不測の事態に備えて、サプライチェーンを複数の国に広げる必要があります。


We learnt the upper passage also from the JT article, didn’t we? The proposal in the lower part is a specific theory that I want the government to do this as soon as possible. Do you agree


Xi Jinping has made the realization of Sino-Taiwanese unification his top priority. He is keenly aware that he will leave his mark on history as a leader who inherits Mao Zedong’s ideas.

He could embark on the realization of that dream in the next five years of his term. There is concern, however, that no one in his entourage may be able to stop his rampage. Japan will not agree to change the status quo by force. I hope that both countries can resolve this issue peacefully.


(・リーダーのツイート) 習近平主席は確かに自分を毛沢東に次ぐ偶像にしたいのでしょうか。無理やり実行しているようで「毛沢東」や「鄧小平」を身近に感じる世代にとっては「艱難辛苦」を経た革命家にはみえませんね。どうですか?Yeah, no for sure, President Xi-Jinping doesn’t look like such a genuine revolutionary as Mao Tse-tung and Deng Xiaoping who make us feel hardship they traced. では最後に直線的な説をご紹介します。

First, we need strong national consensus to protect our own land, sea, air under democratic government system and need revision of Japanese Constitution (article 9) and establish negative lists for enabling JSDF to secure the free hands to get response against eventual incidents (Taiwan or Senkaku) quickly. Second, we need to hold Japan/US alliance firmly and its further development. We need Japanese rescue plan in cooperation with Taiwanese Government.

We should discuss nuclear sharing, improvement of the conventional weapons, arrangement of appropriate number of people and its maintenance promoting enemy base strike capability, development of long-range missile and its possession, construction of nuclear shelter for important facilities such as nuclear power plant, power source, water source, government facility, SDF base, general resident evacuation shelter.



At long last, it came out. Opinions with sharpness that are conscious of China, Russia and North Korea.


Yes, any dictator like Xi Jinping is apt to exaggerate competing countries as enemies to distract the public as you pointed out.

The West knows and is fully aware of it. I think it’s difficult to bundle 1.4 billion people and 35 cities and districts merely with freedom and justice. You may have to split the country to a least 35 autonomous provinces under a president elected by national ballot like USA. It’s nothing but a talk drivel to bigotry communists. Yes you’re right, Xi’s cabinet -magnificent seven are all his child care vassal. You seem to be anxious about slumping Chinese economy. I would rather say we Japanese should be anxious about super-inflating American economy at first and Japanese trade balance in red ink tone that is allegedly said our economy is now directly affected by the Chinese economy as well as wall street.

Suppose if you were PM Kishida, you said we must predict Xi’s political goal and let China orientate purpose of the international

trade rules and ethics. No objection to your opinion. However, if China’s object is virtually to spread Sino-centrism (中華思想)and red-movement(赤化思想)to all over the world, how we-USA, EU, Japan and a handful Asian and African or Mid and South American countries should cope with such dangerous ethics ? Yes, that’s right, in this stage, I should think that your thought of strengthening our military force with most advanced technologies comes under closer scrutiny.


Thank you for reading.ご読了ありがとうございました!

