


                 リーダー 三浦     


”Mr. Satoh lived many years abroad, and the knowledge he gained from his interactions with local people in those countries had been integrated into his persuasive opinions on a wide range of issues. He maintained a lifelong commitment to learning, not only about English, but also on many other important subjects for the future of our country, as a lifelong student. At the same time, I believe that Mr. Satoh was an excellent interlocutor. While maintaining his own opinions, he always appeared to try to seek out mutual points of agreement through flexible dialogue with others.

彼の作成した「習近平執務室より」は彼の中国、香港滞在経験を含めて欧州での滞在で得た国際的な史観から述べたもので、一つの見識を披露したものでありました。又彼が最後に作成した「“Is it true that all products are made by 5 types of machine tools?”」は生涯関わった機械とその部品の事業の概観でありしかも専門的な考察をしており、最後に全文を英訳しました。又、執筆中であるとした「欧米の民主主義の経緯」は未完であり、我々は楽しみにしていました。日本は経済力と軍事力を本気で強化し独自の外交ができる法的対応をしないとその存在は危うくなるという危機感は彼の生涯の知見からくる信念であると感じました。そして隣国中国に対しては、独自のスタンスを持って日頃からの外交を行うべきであるとしました。

彼は同時に野球大好き、そしてBlue Grass(米国由来のWestern音楽)の演奏に熱中するBoyでありました。

He wrote a short-novel titled “From Xi Jinping’s Office”, which he showed from his historical perspective based on his business career in China, Hong Kong and several European countries for more than 20 years. It is his insight into China.  He also wrote a report titled “Is it true that all products are made by 5 types of machine tools?” The report is covering business on machines and parts based on his experiences throughout in his life, by viewing things from technical aspects. He issued a translated version of the report in English last year.  He announced to us that he started to write about the background of U.S. and European democracies but he was unfortunately unable to finish the task.  He also loved watching professional baseball games very much. He was a live-house singer of Blue Grass every month in Tokyo.

We produced a square memorial card and each one of us wrote condolences to the bereaved family.  We handed it over to Mrs. Satoh together with a book titled “Memories of Mr. Kazuo Satoh.”







                   E-News & Songs 10月度報告

                                                リーダー 三浦 一男

10月はThe Japan News(英文読売)の社説から

①“Johnny & Associates: Don’t Brush Off Sexual Abuse as Just Another Entertainment World Scandal”

②The Japan Timesの社会面記事から

“Johnny &Associates is considering changing its name”



I  議論の焦点


1.  この問題についての最初の印象は?

What did you feel when this problem was picked up on TV news and on newspapers?  Your first impression. Kindly state them candidly.

2.  なぜジャニーズ事務所は40年以上、つい最近まで、この事態を続けられたのか。ジャニーズという企業の構造や日本の社会と一般企業の構造から類推してみる。

Why did Johnny & Associates manage to continue and disavow (責任を否認する)sexual abuse for such a long time, say, more than forty years, until 2019?  What do you think are the reasons or factors behind their business success to this date despite the disgusting behavior by the owner, from the view point of a) the characters and strong points of Johnny & Associates themselves, b) Japanese social structure and c) Japanese corporate structure in general?

3.  ジャニーズ事務所はどんなカタチに生まれ変わったら理想か。10月2日に構想が記者会見で明らかにされたが、それで十分か。

What would be the best possible image to start afresh for Johnny & Associates?  It is reported that a rough sketch of the image was disclosed at the October 2 press conference. Was it be enough?

II  議論の結果


1 First impression of this scandal





〇 I think it is a disgusting sex crime committed by JK’s paraphilia (sexual perversion) against young boys who were unable to make judgement about what to do with his life.

〇 We were surprised to know that this case had been reported in weekly magazines and other media since the 1960s, but had never become a major social issue.  It gained wide attention following the release of a BBC documentary earlier this year.

〇 This disease is one of a sexual paraphilia embedded deeply in Homo sapiens.  He was also a victim driven by this gene.

〇 Japan is so characterized by, say, a mind set of “If you can’t beat them, join them” that it seems inevitable for similar events to happen in the future.

2 Why was this scandal buried for such long years?



〇このスキャンダルのもとであり、このスキャンダルが広がるのが遅れた背景には、日本のビジネス上特有の社会慣習が存在することである。例えば、隠蔽、遠慮、計らい、同調圧力など。さらに特徴的なもので ”ごますり”、仲間意識など。


〇彼は、日本の演歌の絶頂期、言い換えれば衰退の始まる時期に男子のアイドルのはしりとして会社を起こし、J-Popの時代を自ら創造し、演歌の地位を奪って新しい市場を作り上げた。特にBoy Idle Marketにおいて優れた人材発掘眼と育成手法で市場を席巻するスターたちを間断なく輩出した。さらにグループで売り出すことで歌だけでなく、楽器演奏は勿論、ダンスやドラマや司会、さらにニュース番組の分野にも進出、エンターテイメントの世界に隠然とした力を持つにいたった。とてつもない罪を犯し、しかもメディア業界に彼の犯罪を隠蔽する圧力をかけ続けることに成功してきたからである。


〇 This is because of mass media’s profit-first mentality due to over competition within the industry and its tendency to ignore the issue(avoiding trouble).

〇 There is a tendency in Japan to refrain from criticizing big-name companies with their influential power, taking into consideration the impact on viewership ratings and number of copies of books and magazines to be sold. The media catered to unspoken intent.

〇 The basis of the scandal itself and this much delay of public exposure of this type of scandal have much to do with the social practices peculiar to the Japanese business with the features of, say, for example, covering up, discretion or hesitation, consideration, pressure to fit in with others or act in concert for the common interest, blind obedience and flattering to the boss, fellow or group feeling etc.

〇 Mr. Kitagawa was one of the most outstanding entrepreneurs in show business. Unfortunately, nature gives him a fatal disease named pederasty. 

〇 He started Japanese boy idle market in 1962. 1960’s was the golden period for Enka (Japanese popular slow ballad). He created and developed the new  market which overwhelmed Enka at all in 1990’s. He had keen eyes for boy singers. His selection of boys and training methodology for them realized success of debut one after another.  It’s not too much to say all the popular boy idle stars have started from Johnny’s. The boy idols have debuted as a team and in every team they sing, play instruments, dance, and they often challenge to become drama players, event MCs, etc. Thus, Johnny’s associates had spread latent and secret influence in doing business over amusement industry. Johnny had committed terrible sexual abuse but succeeded in hiding the facts by utilizing such influence in the media.  So strong was Johnny’s power that he could continue and disavow sexual abuse for forty years.

〇 Definition of human right in Japan is a bit different from that of European countries.  Historically speaking in Japan, Daimyo (feudal lord) had right of taxation but did not own land and farmers while in Europe a king and or a queen owned land and farmers and could sell land and farmers. Farmers in Japan were not slaves. They had their human right basically while in Europe farmers were subject to a sale. Consciousness of human right in Japan is a matter for granted while in Europe it was necessary for kings and queens to realize human right.  God has given individual right to each which be respected and never be neglected under the name of God. Such background has invited weak consciousness for human right in Japan.

3. What is the best image to start afresh for Johnny & Associates.  Or any suggestion to prevent such sexual abuse and or violations of human right.



〇会社はPurpose とMission を明らかにすること、会社が感動を呼び起こし、企業の将来のイメージを方向付けること。





〇 They must provide adequate compensation promptly to all the victims and establish a code of business ethics and comply with them strictly sincerely by drastic changes of its personnel structure.

〇 Fully compensate all victims. Now it is estimated some 300 victims but it will increase more and more.  Compensate all of them sincerely and completely.  Pay attention and back up present idle stars in the company.  Make it clear how to handle Johnny’s membership club system. This business handle huge amount of money. This is a big problem to be solved.

〇 Develop purpose and vision for the new company. This is a start. This may evoke movement and direct future image of the company.

More fundamental aspects to be proposed

〇 The government is required to establish a wide range of human rights consultation offices, similar to those in other countries, where vulnerable people can feel free to consult. In the world 120 countries have already established such a system and Japan and Italy are only countries that have not yet among OECD and advanced countries.   

〇 The particular acts, in the case of Johnny’s Associate were perpetrated by the president of the company exploiting his status in the company. And the victims were mainly the subordinates. Said acts were not personal but of the president. Directors in the company is responsible for auditing the president’s execution of his duties. They even conspired with him to hide the acts. The auditors seem to have been dismissive to such a breach of director’s obligation. This is one of the gravest organized crimes. President and directors and auditors are guilty. Strict and exemplary fines should be levied on each of them as well as on the company to prevent such crime.

〇 The mentality of the Japanese in general is highly developed and influenced by the energies they spend when they are school children for cramming knowledge toward a success in an entrance examination to an university. These facts have produced in the company evil deeds such as behavior with discretion, consideration, pressure to fit in with others for the common interest, etc.  We should change the education system, especially the elementary school education system, to start with, and entrance examination system for university to change the business mentality, and further more to enhance Japanese economy. 
