
日時  2月12日(木)  5:00~7:00(例会)  7:00~8:30(懇親会)

場所  KGランバス  凛や

出席者 7名(例会) 8名(懇親会)


今月の Editorials       Local initiatives key in revitalization   Jan 12, 2015

                              Testing elderly drivers for dementia   Jan 22, 2015




 「英会話と歌」 於ランバスホール 2015年2月12日(木)17:00~ 出席者:8名


1月12日付けJapan Times社説「現在安倍政権が推進する“地方政府は住民主導により地方再生を”」を音読し編集者の意図は無論のこと英文の慣用句、品詞、専門語、それらの同義語そして反意語について質疑応答し、地方再生の鍵は地方政府主導の画一的政策押し付けではなく先ずは地域住民と有識者による創意工夫と実行力である事を認識した。残った時間を別の社説「75歳超高齢者の運転免許更新に医師の認知症診断書提出を義務付け」を速読し意見を交換、頭の体操とも言える2時間を有意義に過ごした。



佐藤 一雄

English Conversation & Singing Circle held at Lambuth Hall on 12th Feb. 2015:

Eight members read aloud in turn Japan Times’ editorial dated 12th Jan. viz. “ Local initiatives key in revitalization “ being promoted by the Abe administration and understood the editor’s message that key in local revitalization is not imposition of uniform policies of the Central Government and local governments to local communities but essentially ingenuity and energy by community residents and experts. We in parallel learned variety of idioms, parses, technical terms as well as relative synonyms and antonyms in from the article. We used remaining time for speed-reading of another editorial titled “ Testing elderly drivers for dementia “ and exchanged opinions. In this wise, we had a profitable time. For your information, let me introduce you a comment received from a new member on his impression of our circle as follows: 「 Dear Friends, It’s good for me to know all of you are graduates of Kwansei Gakuin Univ. as I am and yet you have obviously played an active role both nationally and internationally until now.  You don’t actually act cool but you’re surely creating an interesting atmosphere where everyone even ones who are unable to speak English so fluently can debate positively and learn a lot from others. Now this is something what I had imagined and expected. 」That’s it for the news.

We look forward to your visit to our Circle. Thank you.

P.K. Satow- Leader of the month





日時   3月12日(第2木曜日) 3:00~5:00(英語でカラオケ、Oldies )



集合時間場所   2:50  サピアタワー1F