E-News & Songs  2018年6月度報告                  月番リーダー 佐藤 一雄

June Report by Peter Kazuo Satow – Discussion leader of the month:

5月23日付けThe Japan Times社説“U.S. Iran approach makes no sense”を議論した。



On May 23, we discussed M/s. The Japan Times’ editorial –“U.S. Iran approach makes no sense”.



Last month, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo committed Washington’s dissatisfaction with the multilateral agreement on the Iranian issue and posed 12 items of harsh demand to Iran that included its accountability of the military dimension of nuclear development, ending its proliferation of ballistic missiles and release of all U.S. citizens as well as citizens of the allied partners being detained.


2015年に米国、イラン、E.U.等関係国間で合意したイラン核開発制限に関わる共同宣言(JCPOA)を覆し更に厳しい条件をイランに課し、同意しなければかつてない規模の大制裁を実行すると言う。イランの反発はもとよりE.U. 日本及びイスラエルとサウジアラビアを除く中東諸国もこの米国の戦略に反発している。

Reportedly U.S. reversed Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed in 2015 amongst U.S.A. Iran and the European Union regarding constraint of Iran’s nuclear development. U.S. is thereby going to impose unprecedented sanctions against Iran unless Iran agrees to the new demand. Not only Iran but also E.U. and Japan as well as all middle eastern nations other than Israel and Saudi Arabia took objection against the U.S. move.



It is said that root reason for President Trump’s discontent to JCPOA that had been signed by ex-President Obama is that the content of JCPOA was nowhere near close to realization of Iran’ concrete testing moratorium on nuclear weapons and yet the expenditure U.S. incurred for the last two years from concessional deficit on the deal was too big,


思えば、イスラエル米大使館の三大宗教の聖地エルサレムへの移転の決定、北朝鮮との停戦、和平に向けての厳しくもファジーな条件提示そしてシンガポールでのトランプvs. 金正恩委員長の講和会談実現の動きを観察すれば建設業界出身の有能ビジネスマンでもあるドナルド・トランプ大統領の思考軸には一国としての貸借対照表を株主である国民、大口納税企業群、ウオールストリート金融市場及び米国債保有各国に対して正常数値に維持しそのためには国の損益計算書の純利益をプラスに転換しておかねばならないと言う鉄則があるように思われる。下記は筆者の個人的見方である。

With proper monitoring of series of recent moves performed by President Trump such as his decision to make the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv move to Jerusalem – a holy sanctuary of the world three great religions, fuzzy proposal toward Agreement on cessation of hostility between U.S. and North Korea and the latest bilateral meeting on pacification between President Trump and Kim Jong Un -Chairman held in Singapore, He likely have a hard-and-fast rule in his noematic axis as not only a politician but also a capable business runner in the construction industry.  In other words, he might have taken all the political and economic issues in perception of securing highest interests and profits for his country assuming he must keep America’s profits first on the state balance sheet based on the best result of profit and loss sheet of his country. He is therefore obliged to satisfy the “shareholders” (i.e. U.S. casters , citizens, major tax-payers, Wall Street’s financial operators and major investors as well as all alien friends and foreign countries who own the U.S. government bonds; whence he might be psychologically pressurized to try to keep the nation’s financial ledger in positive figure or at least catching-up.  The following is the writer’s personal perceptive.



If we deeply think over foresaid matters, we will see unlike our country of single accounting national budgeting system of which state budget should be wiped out within the fiscal year, U.S. financial characteristic is obviously based on double accounting system. So, it may deserve a nod to Mr. Tramp’s curious way of thinking with double accounting and compound eye whenever he makes a clear departure even from summits of G7 meetings. That’s why he could break their crayons with sudden change of his mind, totally-unexpected demand, irresponsible remarks which artificially cause anger and backlash of even alien friends and/or the allied nations. These are perhaps his coherent ways and trains of his thoughts.



Now, I can’t wait to see President Trump’s persistent sales capabilities in his trial to lead bilateral trade negotiations, involving China, Japan and the European Union, to the nation’s black ink first that is related to economic sanctions to be exercised for unfavorable trade balance carried over for may years in the category of automobiles, steels and other major industrial articles associated with the U.S. intellectual property right. Then, what should our country-Japan do and prepare for it?  The writer would like to suggest that our Government should switch over their train of the Finance Ministry’s thoughts to double-accounting-ish bias and more compound-eye-ish political system in a short period of time so as to strengthen the nation’s political power against the turmoil in the world.


E. & O. E.