E-News & Songs  14:00~19:30 January 10 (Thu), 2019 月番リーダー:佐藤一雄



全員が2~3曲を披露した。年初とて日本語歌唱も許され大いに盛り上がったが全員が発声、表現に進歩を見せている。筆者はBee Geesの「Massachusetts」やP.P.M.の「500Miles」を歌った。本来Bluegrass演奏が趣味だが未だ力あるOldiesも皆と大いに楽しんでいる。

Today was the quarterly singing day of silver [OLDIES] for us prior to English News study. The attendants threw down their repertory and showed excellent progress including phonation and expression. The writer sang Bee Gees’ “Massachusetts” and “PPM’s “500 Miles” that varies a quite a bit from my favorite -American Bluegrass Music. Anyway, we all enjoyed singing and listening to golden oldies that still have the power and we hope will never fade.



ごとに各メンバーに音読して貰い予め筆者が伝えておいた8項目の論点と質問について発言してもらった。Today, we discussed tremendously huge issue titled “We should brace for economic troubles next year” -The Japan Times’ Editorial dated Dec.27,2018. From this time, the leader, as he had asked the attendants to provide their own answers to his eight main questions per each chapter of the editorial, went on with firstly reading aloud and then present their own perspectives expressly.


同時にK.M.氏より予め筆者に章別の意見と回答が寄せられ内容を吟味しつつ大いに参照させてもらった。もう一人のK.M.氏より「世界的に企業業績の見通しは悪化している」と題する円相場、小売売上高騰の数値に対する米連邦準備理事会と財務省ミニューシン長官の言動の不安定性等を記述したダイアグラムを提供して頂き復習にも役立った。遠く関西から参加されたM氏や都心の女性メンバーM.K.氏、Y.N.氏も他参加者と共に生活に即した発言があり興味深いものがあった。Whilst, as Mr. K.M. had kindly given the leader his written comments about the difficult questions, the leader could refer to his reading in large measure. Another Mr. K.M. gave us a diagram of forecast of Yen’s value, unstable words and actions by FRB and U.S. Treasury Secretary-Steven Mnuchin as for their statistics on risky runup of retail value that was of great help for us. Mr. M who joined the meeting from afar from Kansai and lady member like Ms. M.K. and Ms. Y.N. stated interesting suggestions based real life setting that certainly speeded our heated discussions.



The matter of possible downturn of world economy that The Japan Times warn seems to root in unsettled world situation despite the factors that economic growth of U.S., China and Japan have been quite stable at a fixed level nowdays.



For example, ●Flurry of stock quotation in Wall Street, Shanghai , Tokyo and London equity markets,●FRB and U.S. Treasury’s backlash against President Trump who commends finance markets to their trend, ●Nebulous trade war between U.S. and China, ●I.M.F. revised down growth of the world three major countries’ economy for this entire period, ● Anxiety of the public and institutional investors due to partial closing of U.S. government departments, ●Majority of G20 nations who express skepticism about S. Korea’s President Moon Jae-In’s disturbing behavior to U.S.A. and Japan and coram populo-infringement of worldwide agreement of economic sanction to be continued against North Korea, and so forth; thus, there are countless examples more than 20 categories as far as counted.



Our debates, consequently, were entirely prone to be negative but still we tried to reckon with approx. ten (10) positive kinds of factor to avoid vicious circle such as “Strong Yen”, “Trump’s hardline approach to China” ,”The second Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in 2020-Global Fest of Peace. The leader would like to set a high value that each one of attendants challenged to discuss the huge issue deriving into POV of the relevant Editor of The Japan Times, regardless of Affirmative or Negative or Addition, and yet we obtained a list of updated information of stock exchange market, bank deposit of foreign currency, imported foodstuffs and alcoholic liquors, etc. related to our daily living.   (Peter Kazuo Satow reports from Tokyo on 10th Jan.,2019)